The Believe OF Christ Mission Center

  • We believe that Jesus Christ came  to this  world to inaugurate God’s new redemptive plan for human persons.
  • He initiated God’s new message of GOOD NEWS. ( Luke 2.10-11)

Luke 2:10-1110 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.—–


God’s word is our guide for faith and living.

WE BELIEVE that the life of God is in His seed, which is the word.

In the beginning was the word. (John 1-1)  Good begins everything by the seed of His word. Our life with him begins by accepting His word and by trusting it.

As the seed of His word is planted in our hearts and is believed, it grows and produces what it says. This principles is  fundermental to real Christianity. The only basis for experiencing a new kind of life with God, is to believe in  and to embrace His written word. That is our Christian FAITH.  Then our Christian MINISTRY is to plant that word in others



People are God’s number one priority.


WE BELIEVE that each human person is created by God, in His own image; that God esteems each individual, male or female, so highly and that He  cherishes them so much, that He willingly gave His own Son to pay the price for their total redemption from sin.

The price He paid for each one indicates the value He places upon him or her. Since it is right to value what Gods values, we esteem each person as a potential expression of God in the flesh. Therefore, we commit ourselves to lift all people to Him, by the knowledge of the Gospel and through the power of Christ, in order that they may be better, happier, healthier, prosperous, and experience a life of peace and success as God’s friend and partner.


Jesus is the only way to God.


WE BELIEVE that everyone has sinned and that the wages of sin is separation from and God and death; that Jesus Christ willingly assumed all of the guilt and suffered all of the judgment required by all of the sins of every human persons, in order to redeem each individual from sin, and to justify and to restore him or her to God as his friend, as though no sin had ever been committed. This is called Salvation and it exists only because Jesus died so that those who believe in Him may live by the new life that He alone imparts to them.



God’s life in us shows by our love for others.


WE BELIEVE that, subsequent to receiving God’s gift of Salvation, His life in us unfolds only as we comprehend the power of His non-judgmental, non condemning love at work with us, and that His love and new life are developed in us according to our fellowship with him through the learning of His word and through prayer.



People are the Body of Christ in the world today.


WE BELIEVE that we receive Salvation and discover God’s love and new life with us, and that we need to recognize that Christ has saved us so that He can live within us as His Body on earth, which is the church. We are now expressions of the living Christ in flesh.

We believe that our body is His temple, and that He is at work with us  continuing to do the same things, through us, that He did when He lived in the body of a Jew called Jesus from Nazareth.




God’s spirit gives us power to be Christ’s witnesses.


WE BELIEVE that, having received the gift of Salvation and of His Love-Life within us, and having consercrated our bodies as Christ’s holy temple for him to work through, that we must them recpgnise that Christ’s life was only effective because the spitit of the Lord anointed Him. Therefore each individual believer is to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, whose ministry is to reveal and manisfest Jesus Christ to the world, through the Christian, by this anointing of power to witness for Him.





Miracles happen because Jesus has not changed.


WE BELIEVE that God wants His children to experience total healing, spiritually, materially and physically, Our bodies, being the temple of the Holy Spirit, are not intended by God to be  the house of disease and of infirmities,

WE believe in Miracles; that physical healing by Christ with us is miraculous; that Jesus Christ lives today to do the same miracles that he did in the Bible days, and that nothing is impossible for Him at work in and through the believer.



Giving the seed for God’s miracle harvest.


WE BELIEVE  that after people received Salvation and recognize that Christ in them is His Church in action by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and by the unlimited miracles power of God, the next vital basic in Christianity is to recognize that God created the wealth of this planet for the prosperity of His children who carry out His plan.

Therefore, He will His BEST for  each one who plants his or her tithes, first fruits, and material offerings or gifts in His work of sharing Christ with this world.



We are trusted to give the GOSPEL to everyone.


WE BELIEVE that, having received  Salvation and having understood that God wants us blessed materially, the next thing for us is to recognizes ourselves as Christ’s honored representatives on earth,  that is Ambassadors of Christ – entrusted with the distinguished privilege of sharing the Good News of God’s Love  and of Christ’s life with all nations and with every creature, which is our fundamental purpose as partners with God in His plan for every human person.



   Jesus is the only valid Lord and King


             WE BELIEVE that, fundamental to all Gospel and Redemptive truth is the one Supreme Christian principle; JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! All that we can receive from God, all that we can posses or share, all that we are or ever can be, either in ourselves or to other people, exists only in Jesus;  it is provided only by Him, and can only be appropriated and experienced through His eternal LORDSHIP from the  foundation of the world, through His vicarious sacrifice, and through His Ministry at the right hand of the Throne of God, where He lives as our Savior, our Mediator and our Advocate.